Saturday, August 6, 2011

He did it!

It was touch and go there for a bit but he resurrected his phone. (see blog below.) I admit I was a skeptic as it was dead before he took it apart and appeared to be dead afterward, but my jack-of-all-trades husband did it.

As promised, here's the pic that shows how bad it was raining. The pic looks foggy, but it's actually the insane rain.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Is there anything B can't do? I think the answer is 'no'.

  2. Got to love the Powells ability to do it all! We are lucky ladies.

  3. It's true, Deanne. There is nothing he can't fix or make from scratch. It's insane. Yes we are lucky, Jess!

  4. It is true. Miss Evelyn growing up right and left brain dominant.
