Sunday, August 28, 2011

First 21 miler

I ran 21 miles this morning, for the first time since sometime in '07.  It felt, well, about as good as a 21 miler can feel, I'd imagine.  My legs and feet are tired at the end, which is normal for me lately, but Brendon and Ev met me at mile 14, like B's been doing for the last couple of long runs, and provides some much needed mental support. Oh, and he brings pretzels. YUM. My running plan orignally has me only running 21 miles once, but in talking with folks, and having one marathon under my belt, I'd have to agree that running multiple 18 milers and a couple of 21 milers can really help you on the day-of.  Not recommended for first-timers, but sounds like it's definitely something that people do after they've gotten at least 1 under their belt.  So, it looks like I'll try and get in 1 or 2 more 18 milers and then one more 21 miler, before the taper.  Here's my route... it's just an extension of what I've been running all summer. (Meaning there are only 2 places in Nash that you can run and avoid cars almost entirely, and this is the only one that's 90% shaded!)  Total climb: 1549 feet.  Bring it on, San Fran! 48 days to go!
((My knees have felt really good this time, too, which is a huge change from last time.  All in all, I'm really happy with the way the training has gone.  Well, except for the weather. I can't wait to run in anything under 80 degrees!))


  1. Looks like I need to come to Nash and run that route with you one of these days. I need more hills in my life! Enjoy the extra 18 and 21 milers! Maybe next time I will add in the extras.

  2. Ha! Thanks, Jess! I'm sure when you come, we'll run it, as it's the only place that I really run here. I'm actually really looking forward to it and hope that it helps on the big day. I guess we'll have to see!!

  3. I'm exhausted just reading this. Good for you Annie!

  4. Good Lord that's a hilly route! Proud of you Ms. Powell!
