Monday, August 22, 2011

18 month check up

Ev had her 18 month checkup this morning. Doc says she's right on track for her development in every area. (Of course we are convinced she's much smarter than average, but I digress...) :-) Up to 32% for weight (23lbs, 4oz) and 41%(!) for height (31 inches). Both were at 22% at 12 months. Woo!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. She's getting so big! What a cutie!

  2. You need to add an emphatic, "MEEEEEEEE!" to Ev's word list... ;)

  3. Ha! Yeah, except it's more like ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!

  4. Ya, it is all about me for the next 20 some years!! What a dolly! Can't wait to be with her in about 3 weeks. Gma.
