Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Photo shoot

For those of you that don't know, B's family is full of really talented photographers. B's sister, Alisa, took pictures of us when we were pregnant with Evelyn (mind you, those were in Oregon in November-- complete with sweater and jeans!).  Brendon's brother and his wife were here last week (more about that soon!) and Brent was kind enough to take some pics of us for this pregnancy.  Temps have been in the 70s-80s, lately... and even a few 90s. Thankfully, we found a shady spot for some pics.

Here are some of my faves.
Brendon, 34 years.
Annie, 30 years.
Evelyn Anne, 2 years, 3 months.
Baby girl Powell: 25 weeks.


  1. Love them!! You got some great pics of your fam! :-)

  2. I meant to comment weeks ago when I actually first looked at these but these are so so beautiful! I especially love the ones of Ev touching your belly. Too cute!

  3. These are all great!! I'm so excited for another little one in your lives! Ev will be a tremendous big sister. So great!
