Thursday, June 7, 2012

Proudly Presenting...

The Chariot Cougar 2!  Our new double jogger!!
We thought and thought and thought about what kind of stroller to get for when Baby #2 arrives. Ultimately, we needed a daily stroller, a jogger and we wanted a bike trailer.  We have a single, fixed-wheel BOB, and considered many "double" versions of things.  The fixed wheel is a *must* in the hilly park we run in. Too much give and take with a "lockable" front wheel.  After much research, we decided on this one.

Despite having only 10 weeks left until Baby Powell gets here, we haven't really prepared properly yet. Her room isn't finished, we haven't retrieved her clothes/carseat/bottles from the attic, BUT... we did get the all-important double jogger last evening. Clearly you can see where our priorities are!!

I could go ON AND ON about how cool this thing is, but suffice it to say that it holds two kids from newborn (with an attachment) to 100lbs, and functions as a normal stroller, fixed-wheel jogger and a bicycle trailer.  Moreover, you can rearrange the straps, if only 1 child is riding, so that they can ride in the middle for even balance. Oh, and there's a trunk for a place to put your stuff. Oh, and it's light weight. Oh and there's a rain cover. Oh and the stroller wheels can stay attached so after running to your destination, you can pop the fixed wheel off, attach it to the "trunk" and stroll around.    (As an aside, if you are so inclined, there's also a cross-country ski attachment and what has been referred to as the "rick-shaw" attachment for hiking trails. Neither of these options did we purchase, but they are available! This thing is amazingly versatile.)

Ok, I said I wouldn't go on and on.  Here are some pics.

A bit more narrow than other doubles, with a removable and adjustable handle.

The strolling wheels are small and can stay hung up until you want to put them down.

Ev awaits her partner in crime!

Honestly, Brendon will be pushing this more than me for running (his choice!) but he asked me to get behind it for the pic!

Rear "trunk" in the UP position 

Rear "trunk" in the DOWN position

Out for a practice stroll

The fixed running wheel attached to the back. Will still work when trunk is in DOWN position.

Stroller wheels down. 

We have yet to purchase the biking attachment, as Brendon doesn't yet have a bike, but once he does, we will buy that too!!!   Of course, we'll let you know if it ends up being not all it;s cracked up to be. (Thus a good reason for purchasing it at REI... such a great take-back policy.)

Ok, I suppose we should probably get going on more important things like buying diapers and finding the bassinet sheets....


  1. Nice, Gma can easily figure this out. Can't wait to try it out in September. Here we go Miss Evelyn! We love you, Gma and Gpa.

  2. That is BRILLIANT!! I am not a runner, so I've just been looking at a basic sit/stand duo stroller for when we have our second. We backpack Sophie so much though that she is not always a fan of being in strollers. Thanks for showing your find - it's beautiful!!

    And you are looking GREAT!!!!
