Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ev sings about the planets!

She's been singing about the planets for about a month now- thanks to aunt and uncle for finally catching it on video!

Here are the words, incase you missed 'em:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars,
These are the planets near our star.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, too.
Neptune and Pluto, we can't see you.
I know the planets, do you?

(Yes. We still include Pluto!! Long live Pluto's planet status!)


  1. Love this little kid! Miss you all already! I still have this song stuck in my head.

  2. This song is adorable and so is Ev! And of course Pluto should still be included. If we all fight it, then Pluto will never be forgotten ;-) By the way, for her being only a little over 2 I can understand a surprising lot of it!

  3. OMG, amazing! I especially love the songs intro! What a doll!!!

  4. Adorable!!! Oh my goodness. I don't know how I missed this the first time around, but that is the best!! She is so grown up!!

    And she gets and A+ for warming up by doing some spitting. That's something Doc Wright didn't teach me in speech class, but I'm a fan!!!!!!!!!!
