Thursday, May 3, 2012

Evelyn Anne-2 years and 3 months

So... we are just a few days shy of Ev's 27 month birthday.  I have neglected to post about her birthday activities we had in February. Amazing how time flies.  We had a wonderful party at her daycare, as well as one at our home with family. Before pictures, here are some stats:

First, let's remember where we started:
Born: ~6:30am, Feb. 8th 2010 in Portland, Oregon (8 days overdue!)
Weight: 8lbs, 11oz (85%)
Height: 21.5 inches (90%)

1 year appt:
1 year check up on Feb. 21, 2011 in Nashville, Tennessee
Weight: 19lbs, 9oz (22%)
Height: 28.5 inches (22%)

2 year check up:
2 year check up on Feb. 10, 2012 in Nashville, Tennessee
Weight: 26lbs, 9oz (40%)
Height: 33 inches (32%)

She's still a little peanut... the biggest she ever was, was when she was born. (Lucky, mom. ha!)
We have lucked out, though, in that her appetite and her willingness to sleep are MUCH bigger than she is!!!

In addition, we are really excited that she's turning out to be every bit as inquisitive and talkative as we expected. Congrats to her on her quick mastery of book memorization, exclusively eating with a spoon and fork, saying all her ABCs and counting to 10 in both English and Spanish, trying many different foods, continually working to be polite, and speaking full sentences and singing us songs.

Among other things, this past year brought her first haircut, potty training and learning to dress herself. 
What will the next bring??

((After all this bragging about her... there is one little parenting thing that Brendon and I want to brag about:
Some of you know this, but... WE DID IT. We made it 2 years without EVER buying her a single stitch of canned/jared baby food.
To those of you who think it's impossible to work 2 full time jobs AND make your own baby food- I must implore you that it IS possible. And WAY easier than you think!))

Congrats on 2 years, Evelyn Anne. We love you.

And now for some birthday pics....


  1. Yay for more pics! Can't wait to see y'all again in June!!

  2. Cute! I love the pic. of Finley and Ev coloring!
