Wednesday, September 29, 2010

army crawl

Ev gave us some bona fide crawling this evening for the very first time. (Mama appreciates that she waited until she was home, however daddy missed it!)
Of course, when I went to get my iPhone camera, all I could capture was her doing her army crawl that she's been doing for a couple of weeks. Which is adorable, in itself, but *not* the real crawling I was hoping to capture. Oh well.
Regardless, I realized you all had never seen the army crawl, despite us having numerous videos of it, so I thought I'd post it anyways. She always leads and pulls with her right arm... we're wondering if the handedness is revealing itself?


  1. Quite effective! And it really resembles an army crawl!!!

  2. It's totally an army crawl!! That's awesome!

  3. Way to go Miss Ev, just like Gpa crawling on the ground, doing a military drill! You are such a dolly. We miss you!! Gpa and Gpa.
