Friday, October 1, 2010

Crawling! (for real this time)

I amended the title of the previous post, as I have finally captured Evelyn moving up on all fours this morning.
The army crawl is still used when speed and efficiency is in order: for instance, when "chasing" the dog.
Ev reserves the real crawling for leisurely playtime and for when she's feeling like getting a little balance-exercise in.
Without further adieu, I give you: "Miss Ev, masterful crawler."


  1. Woohoo! Time to start baby-proofing!

  2. Awwww. What a cutie! I still prefer the comando crawl though.

  3. Baby on the move!!! I love the proud smile she gives the camera at the end!

  4. Wow!! Just wait to see how far I can go with my pants on and no sleeper to slow me down. Gma and Gpa.

  5. WOOT!!!! (Can Ev give Robin some pointers? She's stuck on "reverse". )
