Friday, August 24, 2012


No baby yet.
Nurse called about an hour before we were supposed to be there this morning to say labor and delivery was full...
Of course, I'm all for deferring as long as possible, especially to give my spot to women who are actually in labor, but it was disappointing all the same.
It's looking like maybe tomorrow morning.

The silver lining?
One more day to go into labor on my own.
One more night as a family of 3.
A greater chance that there will actually be a room for me when we arrive. ha!


  1. Bummer! This is not the news that I'd been checking for all day long :-( Best of luck happening on its own but if not, that there is room for you tomorrow! Can't wait to see pictures of Baby Powell-pants #2!!!

  2. C'mon, baby Powell #2 - let your mama know you're good and cooked!!! Don't make her go and evict you.

    Annie, one Kellymom went into labor by jogging. Not kidding. She was 41w6d. She took a long walk with her sister, ended up doing 100 yard jogs followed by squats for about 2 miles. Had the baby at home about 7 hours later.

    Hang in there. You'll be holding her soon.

  3. I keep checking just in case! Hope you got in today, or that Baby 2 got things going herself. We're cheering for you guys!

  4. Awww! I like your silver linings though!! Still thinking of you and praying for you. So excited to see your new little one!
