Saturday, November 19, 2011


Brendon and I are gear junkies... especially when it comes to our clothes. I think between us, have about 12 winter jackets. Literally. One of our favorite brands is Patagonia.
For those of you in the know: Enough said.
For those of you not, well, suffice it to say that Patagonia has good quality, durable clothing that's nice looking as well.  Unfortunately, all that comes with a decent price tag.
I'm not sure if you knew this, but the only Patagonia outlet in the nation is Dillon, Montana. Lucky us.
At any rate, due to this fine little fact, Miss Evelyn now has a decent amount of this good quality, durable clothing. (Thanks, G-ma and G-pa Lucas!)  Sometimes Brendon and I do get a little jealous of the little packages that come in the mail for Miss Evelyn-- usually there's something from Patagonia!!
Here she is, hamming it up for the camera, in her pink, down Patagonia jacket.
We can't keep everything, and so each season, a lot of her things are donated forward, but this is one we might be keeping for her lifetime. It certainly will last that long!


  1. Too cute! Being gear junkies is not all that bad.. = )

  2. omg that's too cute. Can't wait to see you next week!!
