Sunday, November 13, 2011

Coffey Lab Happy Hour Club

I don't know if I've ever commented on this blog about how much I like my co-workers. Certainly, if you've read some of my work-related posts, or held a conversation with me in the last 16 months since I've been a postdoc, you'd know that my postdoc has been really challenging, in that the level of good, aggressive science that occurs in the Coffey lab is, well, fairly high up there.  There is certainly nothing relaxing about it, and whenever my mom calls to ask how we are, I say, "good."  Then she asks how my job is, I say, "stressful."  This is and will be the answer, I'm sure, until I take a new position in a few years!  Don't get me wrong, I am glad I chose the lab I did, it's just I haven't seen <60 hour work week since grad school.

So, luckily, in addition to an awesome [tolerant] husband and wonderful daughter, I have a whole bunch of cool-cat coworkers who make me laugh and I absolutely love working with.

Right now, my boss is currently biking across the only paved road in Bhutan. In his absence, I'd say I've been pretty impressed that the hard workers in the Coffey lab have kept up with the hard work.  The Coffey lab has about 15 people in it (plus or minus 2-3 undergraduates, depending on the term), but there's a group of us that will sometimes take a break and head out early to happy hour. We've lost a few in our club, recently, due to PhD graduations and babies being born, but last Friday, we took this chance, with the boss away, and headed out to PF Changs.  Yum.   A bunch of happy scientists!

 Left to Right: Greg, MD/PhD; Doc P; Yang, PhD, Emily, Grad Student; Michelle, PhD; and Daniel, technician.


  1. OHSU sweatshirt -- REPRESENT!!!

  2. Yay! Love that you guys had a chance to step away and enjoy each other's company outside of the lab!

    (And on a side note, the tinkle ticker hasn't moved much lately... ;) )

  3. deanne- WOOOO!
    kathryn- nope, it hasn't. (but neither has your blog. ;-) )
