Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween

For the 2nd year now, we have joined up with the Owens family to do some good old fashioned candy bagging. Last year, we were merely carrying around our little ladybug (last year's costume) following Avery Owens around her neighborhood. Oh what a change can happen in a year, Strawberry Ev was more than willing to traipse through the yards this year and see what bounty could be found behind the doors.

The weather was perfect, a sliver of moon was in the air and we had a great time walking around the Sylvan Park Neighborhood with Avery and Kim, Ira, Kirsten and Jesse. (the candy wasn't half bad either)

On Sunday, we were invited to a party at Ev's daycare. It was great to see all the kids dressed up in their costumes and even some of the parents got into the spirit (not us...) Lorie cooked up some delicious chili for the adults and the kids were blessed with toasted cheese and peas. Ev was in heaven and in typical Ev form, found her food to be more interesting than anything else going on, ponied up to the table while every other kid was running around, and partook in some food.

We can't believe how cute Ev was, how different she is from last year and how different next year will be. Sadly, it won't be as easy to take all her candy next year!!!


  1. Oh "Strawberry Ev" is so cute! I bet she was the highlight of peoples' night and got a bunch of candy! Or at least I would have given her lots based on cute factor :-)

  2. What a cutie! The striped tights kill me. Happy Halloween, Miss Evelyn, and I can't wait to see you very soon! Annie, you should teach her to say "gobble gobble." :)

  3. Ok. REALLY like the strawberry costume. Good call!!

  4. Little kids climbing up knee-high steps will never get old. She's adorable and it sounds like you had a great Halloween!

  5. Lord she is the cutest! Love her!
