Monday, November 1, 2010


Ok, we know we owe everyone a post detailing our trips to Portland and to Maine... and I am working on it, but we HAD to post pictures of of Halloween adventure yesterday. We headed out to a pumpkin patch, Gentry's Farm, early in the day and in the evening Ev got dressed up as Ladybug Ev and we went out trick-or-treating with our friends Phil, Kim and Avery and had a splendid time! Here are some pics!

Also- Ev is nine months old in 1 week from today! New with her this week: trying to pull herself up to stand and waving 'bye-bye!'


  1. Our favorite is the ladybug pic with her sitting with the smile. She is getting so big. What a dolly. We love her. Gma and Gpa.

  2. Ladybug Ev is the cutest thing I've ever seen! She's adorable! Thanks for sharing pictures. I miss you guys!
