Tuesday, November 9, 2010

9 months!

We can't believe it! Evelyn Anne was 9 months old yesterday!
We had her 9 month check-up yesterday morning.  Here are her stats:

17lbs, 12 oz (born at 8lbs, 11oz. and up nearly 3 lbs from 2 months ago!)
27 inches (born at 21 inches and up 1.5 inches from 2 months ago!)

We also have 1 tooth coming in and she's liking to try and pull herself up to a standing position. She crawls EVERYWHERE and very fast. We've learned not to turn our backs for more than 30 seconds or she's out of the room and off exploring. She eats 1 meal of solid foods per day right now (usually whatever vegetable looks good at Whole Foods) and we have been told to try and increase that to 3 meals as she approaches 1 year. We are also supposed to try using a sippy-cup now (we have SUCH a cute crab-themed one, thanks to our good friends in Baltimore!)  Also, her infant car seat only goes to 30inches, so we have to start looking at buying a big-girl carseat in the next couple of months!  All these new things! Makes us realize how grown up she is getting.

All in all, the doctor thinks she's doing great.

Here's a couple of pics from last week when she was "helping" with the laundry at the laundromat.


  1. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter! Glad to see you're getting her started early with the chores! ;-) See y'all soon!

  2. Way to go Miss Evelyn, already helping out with clothes at the laundromat. Soon you will be pushing the cart. You are such a dolly. Hopefully we can see you in a couple of months. Gma and Gpa.

  3. Can't wait for pics of the Peanut using her sippy cup!
