Thursday, April 4, 2013


This past weekend, we took our second camping trip as family of four!
In Oregon, Brendon and I camped frequently, but since we moved to Nashville when Ev was 4 months old, we hadn't really camped at all until Cora was about a month old.  Recently, we've wanted to get back to doing all the things we did before kids, or at least modified versions thereof.

We really do loving being in the outdoors, so we packed up and headed out last weekend.  We arrived at the camping spot around 10am, went for a hike (and discovered a river we think might be ok for fly fishing!), had lunch, pitched the tents and the girls went down for naps.  During nap time, the rain started... and continued.... by 5pm we'd had enough of the continuous rain and decided to pack up and head home. Glad we did, as it continued to rain all evening and night.
On the way home we stopped by "Truelove's Pizza and Grits" in Columbia, TN.
Only in the South.

All in all, we had a GREAT time and can't wait to go again weekend after next.

All packed up!

Norwegian cookie + toasted marshmallow!

(Here's where the rain started.)

The rain map on the way home...


All the gear hung out to dry at home...


  1. I love this post!! Love it so much that I couldn't write this all out on my phone at 3:00A and had to remember to come back to it with my computer so that I could fully comment.

    -- Love that you are adventurous enough to go camping with two little ones!

    -- Love that I'm not the only one who feels like a little identity might be reclaimed if I can get out and about and do things that I did pre-kiddos - with kiddos in tow is even better!

    -- Love that pic of you backpacking Cora. You look so incredibly fabulous! You have always been gorgeous... I love the bloom of health on you!

    -- You took a Portland curbie with you - because you are just that awesome. Love it!!

    -- Love the kielbasa and beans pic. I want to go camping with you guys!

    Miss you and love you. Thanks for putting together such amazing posts. You lead pretty amazing lives!

  2. Love that you still have your PDX recycle container!
