Thursday, January 19, 2012

Catching up...

The Powell house has been buzzing lately, as I'm sure your house as been. Here are some random photos of the past few weeks for a peek into what we've been up to...

Always picking out books to read...

Spent New Years with some of our good friends.  Brendon made Zopf: "Swiss braided bread for Sundays."  Zopf is something we learned to make a few years ago from Swiss friends.  It's the perfect bread for the morning, in my opinion!

Happy New Year breakfast!  Egg scramble and Zopf topped with honey-butter and Dutch chocolate sprinkles, which is the way we were taught to have it. SO GOOD.

The New Years crew!!

Brushing teeth with apron and Converse. Of course.

A new favorite in the Powell house!  New tent with tunnel!  Thanks grandparents!

Sporting my new sweater from Auntie Katy!

Grocery shopping is SO much more fun when you get to ride in the cart-car with a friend!


  1. I want some zopf!! That looks amazing! We just found Sophie a very similar tunnel - and we should look into getting a tent to go with it. Way fun.
