Monday, June 20, 2011

So much has happened...

Wow, where did the spring go! It seems like it was just March, I was starting a new job, Ev was figuring out the walking thing, Annie was a rookie post-doc and Khaya was a good old dog. Here it is getting into late June, I've been at work for nearly 4 months, Ev can not only walk but run and say a few words, Annie is in no way a rookie having been there over a year now and has had speaking appointments and awards given to her and Khaya is still a good dog but is able to run over 2 miles a few times a week.

Khaya: As good as ever with the patience of a saint, she has been making the transitions in our lifestyle quite well. We started to feel guilty about her decline in activity so we instituted the GOOBAR routine (get out of bed and run). I've been doing this at least twice a week in the mornings and she is up to running 2 miles without me dragging her and I think she'll be up to 4 within a month or 2. You all know she is one of the best dogs ever and she keeps proving it.

Evelyn: It is crazy to look back at pictures that were taken but only a few months ago and realize the changes that have taken place. Like I wrote above, in March she was barely taking a few steps and here she is now running around, going up and down steps, climbing things, getting up on crates or boxes, trying to is amazing how fast they gain skills. On top of that her communication is improving daily. Today we found her saying "nanna" for banana, Khaya for Khaya, duckie for her bath-time rubber duckie...and that is just today! She amazes us every day and her personality is becoming so complex and rich with every day that we can't wait to wake up to find out what the new day will bring.

Annie: She is now a 30 year old and proves that becoming 30 only proves how great 30 can be. Her work is proving successful due to her diligence and hard work. She busts her tail at work and still is able to make time for herself, Evelyn and me. Her marathon training is going good, she's on track and is excited for the fall trip to San Francisco to run with her girlfriends at the Nike Womens Marathon. Speaking of 30, we raised a glass on the special occasion in Gatlinberg, TN this last weekend. We rented a cabin and our friends from Portland who are now in Durham, NC drove over to meet us. We had a great weekend and Annie was thrilled to take in the early 30's with friends and a cool and relaxing setting. Even the black bears came out to say "happy birthday" to her.

Me: I'm having a blast at my job. I am challenged every day to learn more about the products I represent, the logistics of wine and spirits distribution, marketing, negotiating and selling. Many people ask me why I gave up woodworking and I give the simple answer that I haven't, I can still do woodwork any time I want to, I just continued in the business side which is where I needed to grow and be challenged. It really has been fun! Aside from this, I've been keeping up with running and have been working with wood in the garage (currently a buffet project).

We were also fortunate to have Annie's mom and step-dad join us here in Nashville for a week in May. It was great to see them and even more so to see them interact with Evelyn. It is an amazing bond that occurs between grandparents and grandkids. While they were here we took in some touristy sites, got some hiking in, plenty of good eating and a taste of the "humid south". Annie and I were also able to take advantage of the Montana babysitters and catch a date, it was wonderful!

Up next is a trip to Oregon for my niece's wedding. We are going out in July and haven't been to Oregon since last October. We are looking forward to a week with family, friends and the Oregon we love and miss. Please say prayers as we fly across the country with our 17-month older mover and shaker who will be more or less confined to our laps for 8 hours...we are scared!

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