Wednesday, June 22, 2011

30th birthday.

Well, I got a little older last weekend. The past 30 years has actually been pretty cool, looking back.
I've lived in 5 states, traveled abroad a number of times, got married, ran a couple thousand miles, had a child and received a PhD. Oh! And the crowning achievement being not moving back into my parents house. Not too shabby for 10, 957 days. :-)

To celebrate, we went out with some friends of ours here in Nashville a couple of weekends ago. We went to City House, my favorite restaurant here in Nash. Great food and great times with some friends that have become close to us during our first year here. (Two of which we met our first day here! Ev and I were about an hour off the plane.) To cap off the birthday experience, this past weekend we took a trip to Gatlinburg, TN near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and met up with friends for my 30th birthday. It turns out that the National Park is VERY lame, compared to those we love to frequent in the west, but being with close friends as I entered the next decade more than made up for it. Here's some pics of the festivities! Enjoy!

Ev and mom pre-dinner...


Good friends.

Everyone at dinner!

My "30" dollar Brendon decorated to hang on the wall in the restaurant.... unfortunately, the stapler was broken.

The crew at Smoky Mountain Brewery

Ev and Kirst!

Eric. Being Eric. :-)

Three good lookin' doctors.

Who's the fine man?

Who's that other fine man?

View from the deck

Chantelle and breakfast. Classic.

Matty makin' the eggs. These two were made for each other.

A band we happened upon in Gatlinburg.

Ev and Matty.

The old woman... :-)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!! You did some great celebrating - it looked wonderful. I have a lot of running miles to log in the next couple of years if I'm going to catch up with you by the time I turn 30 ;). What the post doesn't say is that you are one of the funniest, nicest people I know - hearing from you always makes my day! Happy Birthday!!
