Thursday, December 23, 2010

2010 with the Traveling Powells in 10 minutes

Don't have the 30 mins it might take to read and enjoy our Christmas Letter below?
Well, here's our year- in about 10 minutes!

2010 for The Traveling Powells in 10 mins from Annie Powell on Vimeo.


  1. So great!! I love the letter too, but the video really brings it to life. The P H D cakes were AWESOME. It's fun to see Miss Ev growing up too. Such a great family. Love you guys! Merry Christmas!

  2. This was really really neat. I loved watching it. Much better seeing your year in pictures!

  3. Wow, We can't believe it is almost a year. The video is great. Seems you are in the next room. We miss you all so much. Gma and Gpa.

  4. So, so great! What a lovely family. We miss you guys dearly, and can't wait 'til the next reunion.
