Saturday, July 17, 2010

Where does the time go?

6 weeks has flown by! Here’s the update on Ev!

Evelyn was born at 8 lbs, 11 oz... lost 4 oz in the hospital and was 8lbs 10oz at her 2 day well-baby checkup. At her 2 week checkup, she was already 9lbs, 6 oz and had grown 1/4 of an inch. Her 2 month checkup is this Friday and our prediction is that she’s approaching 11lbs and over 22 inches, but we’ll let you know. She definitely looks SO much like Brendon and has a ton of my attitude. Miss Evelyn knows what she wants and is happy to tell you about it. :-) Developmentally, she’s right on track... she coos and makes various noises- her eyes are starting to focus on objects that move near them. She actually came into the world holding her head up, so we don’t have that milestone to pass. She also has been holding her weight on her legs since week 2, so she’s really strong! I think we have a future runner on our hands!

As far as Brendon and I go... things are, well, very busy. Brendon is working like crazy trying to finish up installing a basement bathroom and finish trim in the bedroom and office down there, so that we can get our house on the market ASAP. Cross your fingers that it sells fast! (If you know anyone that wants to buy a small bungalow in SE Portland, let us know! ) He is also shutting down the door business when we move to Nashville, so right now he is trying to predict how much work to take on before we go... a tough decision when the phone keeps ringing, even in this economy.

I’m less than 2 weeks from defending my PhD... and yes, at that point, you CAN call me Doctor. I won’t mind one bit. :) Finishing up my PhD, after the oral defense, involves revisions written dissertation, as well as cleaning out and organizing things in my lab. I have also been able to get back out and start running again, a few miles a few times a week. Its been feeling great and I think I’ll run my last race here in Portland in April, just to have one last jaunt around the city.

We promise to make these postings much more frequent! We can’t believe 6 weeks has gone by since Evelyn was born. Time flies. Since she’s been born, she’s been to the Oregon coast, hung out with Grandma Lucas for a month, comes to work with mom fairly frequently, traveled to Scappoose for an afternoon visit, and of course, explored all around our neighborhood in the front-pack.


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