6 month stats:
Height: 24 inches (born at 21 inches)
Weight: 12lbs, 13oz (born at 8 lbs, 11oz)
...as we've said all along... she's a tiny one, folks!
So, the good news from the appointment:
-We LOVE our new pediatrician and the Vanderbilt University Pediatrics facility.
-Meeting our developmental milestones! (Rolling, sitting with assistance, grabbing, eye contact, laughing/talking)
-We get to start learning how to eat solids!
The bummer news from the appointment:
-Ev didn't even gain a whole pound over the last 2 months (last weight: 11lbs, 15 oz)
-Because Ev's height and weight are barely registering on the growth charts, and, due to the sharp and continual decline since birth, we've got another appointment in 4 weeks to see if she puts on any weight with extra food between now and then.
-6 month shots! Booo! No fun for anyone!
Isn't she cute in her little baby-sized patient gown??
After the shots... snuggling Daddy for comfort!
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