Wednesday, January 12, 2011


They say when a child nears the age of 1 they are ready for cow's milk. Well here we are nearing the age of 1 and here we go drinking some cow's milk. You all know that Annie and I aren't necessarily au naturale but we thought we'd keep the milk as pure as possible for awhile to see how this goes. So what you see here is some purely whole cow's milk with nothing added and low temp pasteurized. We are mixing it in with her formula at a ratio of 1:4 and so far so good. You also gotta love the glass bottle! Now I just need a fellow dressed all in white to deliver it whenever need be.


  1. Looks pretty fancy for a carton of milk! I'm sure much less expensive than formula. Can she have ice cream now? Gma and Gpa.

  2. I've actually never seen a glass milk bottle! Awesome :-)
