Friday, August 20, 2010


Tonight Ev tried solids for the first time. We started with rice cereal, mixed it up using a spoon Brendon had as baby, placed Grandma Powell's handmade bib on and went for it! She was pretty unsure of it, and did more playing and spitting than eating, but we think it's a start!

Ready with my bib!

Hmmm, unsure of this!

A little palette cleansing with the bib

ok. no thanks. all done.


  1. Oh my, maybe the consistency is a little too thick. Try diluting the cereal in more formula, so it is like soup and spoon feed it to her. She is so adorable. We love her so much. Gma and Gpa.

  2. Well, it's a start!! Soon she will be on to all kinds of solids!! Love that we can watch Ev and all her milestones on the blog! Kisses!

  3. So when does she get cheerios because it is a given that she'll love those!!!
